Sunday, May 25, 2014

Your gifts

Tonight was such a lovely night, but I am skipping ahead so let me back up to the beginning. Today we finally got and planted the strawberries I have been dieing for. I was afraid the it was to late in the season but per my expert at the greenhouse I go to, it was the perfect time to plant them. After my gardening was done for the day my husband and I sat on the porch and talked till it was time for him to head into work. I thought that was going to be the best part of my day, turns out I was so wrong. My neighborhood it considered a bad one, but to those of us that live here we know different. Our small area in a larger area is very safe. One where we do sit out at night and watch the stars play. One neighbor has movie night every Saturday in the summer for his family and any of the neighborhood that wants to join. Its great fun, the kids love it. A lot of us mothers and fathers sit out and talk to each other from our porches. Funny if you drive by and see us yelling at each other, even though it is not in a mean way. However once in a while we just walk over and talk. Tonight was one of those nights.
My daughter and granddaughter went over to movie night and the kids across the street did too. So us moms sat out on their porch and talked. We started talking about God and the devil at one point, of course me being me told them about my spirituality. How I believe fully in God and also in Mother Earth. Well they must have felt like it was safe to talk to me because they felt the same. Then we started talking about ghosts and spirits and that started a whole evening of sharing. The best part about it was finding out one of the mothers was had a gift. The gift of sight. That is a hard one to have, at times it bothers me, still it is a gift and needs to be used for the greater good. When I told her about my gifts she was excited, for one she was not alone and two she found someone to talk to about it that did not think she was crazy.
This brings me to my theme this evening. Your Gifts, God put us on the planet for a reason, this reason is not for us to know while we are here. Only once we reach his side will we know his reason. Still here we are, so what makes non-believer think that he would not give gifts to us? Of course I here them all the time, I live with one even. Though he has seen things he refuses to believe, which has my oldest daughter doing the same thing. Still even so I still use my gifts and thank God daily for them because even though it is not main stream or cool, he believed in me enough to grant me them. Does it bother me at times, of course. Nights I would rather sleep then hear the ramblings of those unseen. Days when a nice quite cup of tea would be wondrous turns into seeing the woman that needs to know her way into the light. It is wearing on me at times, though it happens less often than one would think. Still knowing some people think I am crazy or making things up gets old. If they only seen and knew what I did than maybe they would understand. So why don't they?

It is said that we all are born under this veil, as babies and toddlers we see things that adults can't. They can tell if someone is bad, or you find them talking to a walk like they are talking to a friend. So why do some lose this gift and others not? Is it because of our parents or something more? Well to be honest I have no clue, I am sure it is a little of both though. My mother tried her best to keep me tuned in to all that was around me. As her mother had her. By the time I could remember they both taught me to cherish the gifts God gave me and to never back down from them. How ever my older sister did not have it the same. My grandmother told me once that she just did not have the gift. I never understood that until a few months ago.

My nephew has the gift of sight like I do, however since his mother, my older sister and his father both are non-believers they think he is crazy. At twelve years old how they can think that is beyond me but they do. So they put him in a hospital where they sought to cure him. What they got for that trouble was only him getting worse, as they put it. Still I knew he was not crazy, so did my mother. Only unlike my mother, who sat back and did nothing, I decided to do something. I had been told I was not allowed to see my nephew because my sister and I don't get along, mainly because we don't see eye to eye on anything. However they could not stop me from visiting if they could not see me. So I looked into how to transport ones image and thoughts to another. After a few months practice along with a lot of help from some great friends I did just that. I got to talk to my nephew and tell him what he needed to know about our family and they gifts God gave us. Over a months time I visited him seven times each time telling him to believe in himself and not to let other discourage him. A few days after my last visit my mom called me to tell me my nephew had been healed and they were able to bring him home. Now to be honest I wondered if my visits really happened or if I had wanted them to so bad I imagined them happening. To be honest I doubted myself and my abilities on this matter. I wondered if they had just found a "cure" for his type of illness and never told my mother about what I had tried to do. A few months later they came for a visit to see my mother, which I was called and asked if I could come by to see them. Of course I jumped at the chance to see them. While we were visiting my sister said something that startled me. She told us that my nephew has told her that while he was in the hospital that he seen me and I help him get better. She laughed and said that he was funny and that was when they knew he would be better. Of course I did not say anything then either. Once my nephew had the chance to talk to me alone he confirmed that I did indeed visit him and taught him how to control his gifts. He told me that he was still going to use them, only he would not talk about them to anyone again other than me till the time came that he could do so without being told he was crazy. I agreed that was for the best. To this day he does not speak about his gifts other than to me.

So again my question is why do some seem to be able to hold on to their gifts that we all seem to be born with and others not? Does using these gifts more often help you keep them as some suggest or does God have a bigger plan? I guess to me I would like to think God has a bigger plan for me and ones like me, like my neighbor and I talked about, still I guess I won't know until I get to stand by God's side. I won't have to ask him than because I believe he will knew all my questions and have them answered before I can even think them.

So what gifts do you have? Do you know something is going to happen before it does? Do you see people that have long passed? Can you tell when a person is lying without knowing that person? Can you take yourself to a place that your body is not? The list goes on.
Please leave your thoughts below, I'm very interested in your gifts.

Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Here is a few links that might peak your interest.

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