Friday, May 30, 2014

The first time

When was the last time you did something for the first time? That was a question posed to me a few days ago. When I could not think of that answer I knew it was time to do something for the first time again. But what? I had to think long and hard about that because I have done so much in my lifetime, I could not think of anything. Then came my daughters. They are all good at solving problems and thinking of new things to do. So what did we all come up with? Many, many things that I still might try later.

The first one is sky diving, of course my little adventure came up with this one. My middle daughter has wanted to try this for years. My oldest daughter, way more on the safe side, came up with making a new food. My baby girl though she is the creative one and her idea was to write differently. To write a children's book based on the stories I have told her since she was a girl. What she never knew was those stories were not mine to tell. When she lost sight of her invisible friend she forgot what the other little girl was. Now that my granddaughter has her as a friend my daughter is starting to remember. She is also remembering the stories the other little girl told her.

Even though they are not my stories I am able to with a happy heart start on them. Thanks to doing something new for the first time. I helped my youngest daughter enhance her gift and learn how to talk to her old friend. During her time of talking she even got to meet her grandfather who has been gone for over ten years, a few years before she was born. When all was said and done I got to cry for I still miss my father dearly, but my baby told me to stop crying because pretty girls don't cry. Something my father would say to me whenever he seen me crying. Just his way to help, no matter how bad it sounded.

In the end I guess this week I will be doing two things for the first time because tonight when Castell and Basel release me from their pull I will be looking for Isabell to see what we can do together. (For those of you that don't know yet, Castell and Basel are the two new characters that have me typing away. Isabell is the little ghost girl that has been friends with each of my daughters and now my granddaughter.) I hope to have something in the way of a blurb to post here tomorrow.

A couple places to visit
From my home town.

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