Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fairy Garden

Hello all, this blog is not one that will tell you how to worship. That is a private thing that one must decided for oneself. How this blog is here to commune and celebrate all the differences in us.
Fairy gardens are a great way to enjoy nature and the beauty of it. Many people think that fairy gardens are for witches and/or pagans. This is simply not true. Fairy gardens are for everyone that loves nature. Flowers bring joy, they also can help you when in need. Depression is one thing that can be helped with a nice garden out your back door, or on a balcony if you do not have a yard. Studies shows people with a garden tend to be less stressed as well. God gave us these gifts of color and smells to help us. Not only that you can use many flowers in healing ways. Rosemary has many heal agents to it, link below is a list of just a few. 
Now I have a garden in the front, side and back yards. My youngest daughter is now taking up my slack on them. She loves planting flowers and food as well. She even has me buying strawberries which I have never tried raising before. We were on the web a few days ago to look up all we could on raising them when we came across this picture above. To my shock she looked at it then at me and asked. 'Mommy when did you take a picture of your garden?' I just laughed for I had never explained fairy gardens to her before. She had thought I was the only one that kept a house for fairies. This made me laugh. Still she was serious and wanted to know more about them and if she to could have one. So I told her yes she could here and even at her house when she moves out once she is grown. This lead to my husband's dismay of hearing how she wanted a house, rocks and his old belt buckle for her garden. He looked at me a smiles. 'Yep she is her mother all over. I thought our older daughters were to much like you and now I have you remade again.' This caused joy to flood me. To have my beliefs in one of my children is a delight to me.
One would ask what I meant by that, so let me explain. Simply my husband and myself decided when the children were little to let them follow their own paths. We did and so it was only fair to let them. Of course we have more door to door religions in our home then I cared for, most trying to convert me as well as my children but in the end many seen why and how I came to be a Spiritualist as I am. I can even say that one man is now following his heart and converted to Spiritualism as well. Still my other children choose a different path, each rooted deep in their beliefs. For that I am proud, still to have my youngest follow my path is awesome. Though I was told when she was but little that she would follow me close. My daughter is a rainbow child, special and bright in all ways.
Now I have to say that having more than one fairy garden in the yard does take a lot more work, but the effects are wonderful. The big shock was to find out that two of my neighbors have them as well. I have to say that the children around here should have a very fairy summer. My mother-in-law that lives four houses down from me is even talking about putting one out for the season.
I ask myself at times is this a new fad for them or will it just catch on?
Bless it be my old and new friends.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
If you to are thinking about or have a fairy garden this link might be for you. They even have kits you can buy.
Link to the history and healing agents of rosemary.

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