Thursday, May 22, 2014

Good Evening

Tonight I found it hard to write. Not sure if the activity in my house is causing this or if the lack of rain is the cause. Still the show must go on as someone once said. So tonight I think I will just write about my passion.
I have loved writing since I was a little girl. I think I was born with a pen in hand. My mother said that it did not take much for them to see me writing once I grew up. My Grams had me convinced as a child it was my destiny to write. I guess they were right because I found a great pleasure of putting words to paper for others to enjoy. As I have taken on this journey I have tried to pass my love of the written word to my children. Two of which now are writers too. My youngest son and middle daughter are both in the middle of writing their own novels. My new daughter-in-law is also a writer. No big surprise to me that my son would found a woman most like his mother. Only we still have to teach her how to cook. *wink*
The funny thing is I think my daughter is going to be published before I am. She has an editor wanting to look at her novel already. She was so worry about tell me this but she was excited at the same time. I was so happy and proud of her, not what she thought my reaction would be. Not because I don't believe in her but because I have written so much for so long and am still awaiting word from a publisher about my last novel. As I told her, I just started to look seriously into being published while she has been looking into it since she started her work. Of course I will be excited and happy if she is published, even if it is before me. Though being published at the same time would be awesome. I have just put this into the hands of the Powers That Be and let it go. I write, I have a love and passion for it, so if I do get published then so be it but if not I still will write because it is what makes me happy. In the end is that not what we all want, to be happy?
What makes you happy? Think about that for a moment before you answer it. I don't mean what makes you happy this moment, not what makes you think you are happy, but what makes you feel like you found your calling. What makes you feel like you are the person you were meant to be. Don't think about what other people, your mother, your father, your friends, think you should be but what makes you happy with you. This is harder than you think because for some reason we try to live up to everyone else expectations of us and not live to be the person we are meant to be.
For example, the moment I became a mother I have worked outside the home to bring in money to raise my children. Now their father has worked since we have been together as well, a two income family we had to be to give our children a good life. Still I felt incomplete everyday until I was able to sit in quiet to write a few lines of a novel I was working on. I was unhappy with me and it shown through the rest of my life. The moment my husband told me that I could stay at home and that he made enough money to support our family since there were only two children left at home I found I had the time to write that I so wanted. Not once have I thought about how I would love to write or I wish there were more hours in the day so I could write a little longer. Now I have a set time to write and if I go over it is no big deal because I don't have to worry about how I will pay for it the next day because I will be so tired. Now I can just sit and enjoy my writing.
That said, you should have had enough time to really think about what makes you happy, so what is your answer? I would love to hear what your happy you is, please feel free to leave your comments below.
Bless it be
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
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