Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ghosts in the attic

Okay before everyone gets in to the debate whether ghosts are real, let me just say: it is okay to doubt what you can not see but remember no one has ever seen air but it is still there.

With that being said, yes of course I believe in ghosts. I also believe in God, so where does that land me? Well the short of it is a Spiritualist. For those, like my husband and calls it fake, well there is no changing your mind until you see for yourself. This post is about a few of my experiences. These instances happened to me and at least one other person.
The first time I felt something in my house was when my oldest daughter was four. She was sick one night and so I stayed by her bed through out the night. I had just taken her temperature around two in the morning and gave her more medicine to bring down it down. I was so worried because our family had dealt with so many health issues over the years between her and her little sister. At one point I felt the tears welling in my eyes. That was when I felt it, a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the spot but seen no one. I smelt my Gram's perfume in the air and new at once she was there looking over me and mine. Little did I know she would not be the only visitor to my home over the next few years.

The next time I knew they was someone else in my house was when my daughters and granddaughter, all about the same ages, were having a sleep over. Four little girls at night can be a handful and mine are even more so because of their gifts. However this night there was even more girls in their room then we thought. It started at two in the morning, a tapping on the floor like they were dancing. I yelled for them to stop and go back to sleep. Five minutes later it started again, with laughing this time. I holler again for them to stop and go to sleep, it stopped once again. Five minutes later it started again. This went on for a while, at least a half hour before I decided to go into the room and make them lay down. So once the noise and laughing started again I just walked to their door without a word. Once I reach for the door knob the noises stopped but I still walked in the room to make sure they stayed in bed. To my shock they were all in their beds, sound a sleep. They were not playing asleep for two snore and they were doing so then. Knowing I would get no more sleep that night I walked down stairs and turned on my T.V. on low. My daughter-in-law at the time was sleeping on the couch, she turned over and looked at me. She said. "They woke you up too?" I think I scared her more than I meant to when I told her that they were all a sleep. She sat right up and said she would be getting no sleep that night herself. To this day she is a little scared of my house late at night.

My two oldest sons were both living at home, where my sister was living with me at the time. (Both of us have very long dark hair. Our Indian side shows well in our features.) One day my oldest son, my husband, my sister and myself were sitting in our dining room of our old house. My sister brought up the subject of the Indian ghost that was attached to my dining table. My oldest son looked at us crazy, he said that he had seen her before, but just thought it was either my sister or myself. Only she disappeared when he called out to her. My husband, the non believer of the bunch laughed at us. That was when my youngest son came in and asked what we were talking about. We said ghosts and he looked at us sincerely and asked had we seen the Indian woman that stood by the table? We all could not help but laugh for all of us, other than my husband of course, had seen her. Just so you know, I still have the table.

These are only three of the times that I have witnessed the afterlife around me. There are so many more but I will save those for another time. I have a few links below for you to look at and make your own judgement as to whether you believe or not.

Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams

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