Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Past Lives


A large glass of ice coffee, my computer and my muse on my right shoulder, how could this get any better? Well it could be if the rain we've been promised here comes in. Been waiting for two days to get the renewed energy that the rain gives me. Now I'm sure you are asking yourself, what does that have to do with past lives. Well to be honest nothing, I just want to rant for a minute. My muse is a funny little creature like that. One minute we are laughing and the next serious. Here goes the serious.
Past lives have came to light by a new show that is playing where a man hypnotizes someone and talks them through to their past lives. This might seem fake to some but to me it is very real. One reason is because that is not where he stops. He actually researches what the person tells him and then meets with them again to tell them and show them what he found. He records all his setting with them, of course that is for the show but still he plays it back for them while they have a loved one with them. Then he tells and shows them what he found in his research. This was where I found it to be real and not fake. I fell in love with this show and now watch it any chance I get.
Though I believed in past live long before this show it took this show to reconfirm my belief. When I was little and my Grams was still alive she would tell me stories of past lives. One time it would be about one of my sisters past lives. Another time she would tell me about one of hers. That was until the day I was old enough in her eyes to be told about one of my own past lives. Now I have always had a love of Scotland and the heritage so when my Grams told me this story I was fascinated.  So I will tell you as she told me.
"Child you are an old soul. One that has lived many a life. Strong lives with strong convictions. Ones that you have never let anyone sway. It all started with your first life. Oh that life was your glory. You were so beautiful, a sight to be hold really. You were a gypsy, you held the attention of many. You were asked to places that most gypsy at the time were outlawed. Still the people wanted you around. You brought with you gifts, those unlike any before you. When you were in a land those lands would prosper. The women would give birth to strong healthy boys, and for that you were convented. You traveled with your family, never out of the sight of at least two of the males at all time. That was until you went to Scotland. There is where you found your soul mate. He was a rebel and you fell head over heals for him at once. Him and his cousin kidnapped you because you were there at his enemy's request. So your love took you unknowing that you were meant for each. Though it did not take him long to realize that you were meant for each. Soon you hand fasted as they did in that day and age. For two years you were happy even though you lived on the run from his enemies. For you it was a happy time. Only your life was cut short by a blade of another meaning to do him harm. For that your family cursed your love. A curse that has lived to this day. Child I tell you this because when you meet your love in this life time you must break that curse at all cost. For to do so will mean you get to be happy till your dieing day."
I can't tell you that I bought all of this then but over the years I have found that it hits home at times. I still love Scotland and plan to visit the beautiful country one day and I can not get enough of hearing a Scottish accent. Grams told me that I lived many times on the earth but that life was my happiest. She said that was why I was so love with a land that I had never been to nor held any heritage from. She also told me that would be why I would become a writer. I would have to have a way to tell my tales. Funny now when I look back on it, for then I was not thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I was thinking about what cartoon would be on and what Grams was going to cook up for breakfast. As for my soul mate, well I did find him and I think together we did break that curse.
Since I told you my story I would love to hear yours. Have you thought about a past life? Have you known you had a past life? If so please share your story. I would love to hear back from you.
Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
A couple of sites about this subject. Happy hunting.

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