Saturday, May 17, 2014


Now this is not going to be what you think, if you haven't figured out by now I never come at you the same way every time. At least I try not to.
We have angels around us all the time, some of us have been lucky to see them in action. If you are one of those than you will know what I am talking about. Angels don't have to be those creatures God has looking over us all the time, though those do some awesome stuff too. The others are right here in earth in human form. Maybe they know they are angels and hide it from the rest of us, maybe they just don't know what they are. Still these people do amazing things daily.
I have seen both in action. First time I seen my youngest daughter's angels was on one of the scariest day of life. She was two weeks old and my niece and I were playing cards in my room where she was sleeping. My niece got up from the bed and checked on my daughter. When she looked up at me she was ashen and stated there was something wrong. The baby looked pale and she did not think she was breathing. I checked myself and found that she was indeed not breathing. I flicked her nose as I was taught from my oldest daughter's nurse when we found out she had apnea. her breathing started again and we rushed to the hospital. After three long days the doctors at the best children's hospital in our state told us that my daughter did indeed have apnea and it was the worst case that they or the hospital in Chicago had seen in twenty years. They even told us that she would not make it six months. So my husband and myself settled in our new home with our new baby and waited for the worst while we prayed for the best. A year later, after so many sleepless nights and blessed days the tests reveled what the doctors had said would not happen. Our baby was well. The doctors that had over seen her health for the past year even wrote us a letter in which he stated he was never so happy to be wrong in his life. You might be asking yourself what does this have to do with angels? Well if you missed it there were three angels in this story, my niece for knowing what to look for, the hospital staff, and of course my baby. Without knowing each made a way for my daughter to make it in this world and giving me the chance to see my two youngest granddaughters.
The time I seen my oldest daughter's angels were a few years later. She was four and a daddy's girl like no other. Never did she want to be apart from him, not even a street would come between her and her daddy if she had her way. On a cold December day, the thirtieth to be exact, we are on our way out. My husband was across the street at my car when she run off from me and darted between two cars. What happen next haunted many people for years. The man behind the wheel of the car had no time to react. Those on their porch could not scream loud enough. Everything happened so quickly, a blink of an eye, as most accidents do. I seen my daughter's coat flying through the air and thought my husband had grabbed her so quickly that her coat flew off but I was wrong it was her on the cold pavement when I looked down. My baby girl had been hit by the car now stopped in front of me. The man behind the wheel was stunned and full of worry. The dent on the hood of his car was large and my baby girl was laying limp on the ground. I had enough training to know I could not pick her up, which was all I wanted to do. Now half of my family lives on the same block as me and my husband and before either of us knew what was going on our family and great neighbors were in action. Calling rescue, bring out blankets, and calling the rest of our family. My mother-in-law took charge of my other children so I could focus on my daughter. When the cops and rescue reached us, in lighting fast time they were at least fifty people pulling for my daughter. Even people that had been driving by were waiting to hear the out come. With no blood around her, our hopes were high. Once at the local hospital one of my close sister-in-law came in. The doctors told us that other than a broken leg they could not find anything else wrong with her. Nothing wrong with her neck or brain. They still wanted to take her to the children's hospital because they had more advanced testing they could do and would see if they had missed anything. We followed them to our state capital where the hospital was and by the time we reached them the staff had all but one test done. When we reached her room the doctors were smiling at each other and talking under their breath. When they greeted us the main doctor looked at me and said, "Her angels were flying around her today. The is nothing else that any of us can find other than her broken leg. And with the pictures we seen of the scene it is amazing. Only a few moments later a nurse came in to tell me I had a phone call. When I picked up the line it was my neighbor asking what we knew so far, she told me that everyone had gathered at her house to wait to hear how she would fair. Even the man who was driving the car and some of his family was there waiting. When I told them the great news you would have thought I told them they had won the lottery. Cheers could be hear for miles. To this day the man who was driving calls my neighbor twice a year to check on my daughter. Now not to leave them out, the officers that responded to the call came down to the children's hospital to check on her as well. The week after we got to bring her home everyone of them came by our house to bring her something and check up on her again. This accidents also brought our neighbor's family and ours closer together. My children call my neighbors mom and dad with my husband and my permission. Now there were earth angels in this story but there was also heaven angels too. For who else could have kept my daughter's body from being totally broken from not only the car but the five foot flying fall?
Of course these are just two stories from a wealth of stories I could tell about angels around me. God sees fit to hold my family tight in his hands and for that I could not be any more blessed. If you took nothing else form this blog tonight please walk away thinking about who and how angels have helped you. Because if we don't thank God for them I fear we might lose them. That would be the saddest day for me.
Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams
A couple of sites that talk about angels. Again I do not support or endorse these, they are just a couple I found interesting.

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