Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wedding Day

Today I am proud to announce that my youngest son and his soul mate have said their vows. Joined forever in marriage. I could not have been more proud then when he surprised me by asking me to stand up with him at his wedding. He gave me no idea that he would be doing that, and as mother of the groom there is not much in the transitional wedding for me to do. Since he married a groger he had a wedding for her way of life instead of mine, which is fine. Still when we reached the church he surprised me by asking me to stand with him, an honor to say the least.
So tonight I thought I would talk about the traditional things at wedding that come from a pagan back ground.
Many know, some may not know, that flowers were carried by the bride on her wedding day to keep away evil spirits. The flowers of today are chosen with the thought of color and love of flowers in mind. Still in the past the flower choice had much more thought put to them. Back when people were more pagan than christian people believed, as I still do that each flower has a purpose in our lives. A few are, roses represent everlasting love, lilies represent virginity and purity, orange blossoms represent marriage and fruitfulness, zinnias represent lasting affection, and ivy represents fidelity.
Wedding rings, they were first worn by pagans as symbols of the man owning his wife. And for her it meant having something of value from her husband. The circle has a magical connotations, the unbroken wholeness. Endless and timeless. While it has transformed for the sake of time moving on, wedding rings once were a pagan symbol.
Even the ceremony itself is pagan, though the words have changed over the years. Many Christians don't know this but it is.
Over all marriage is a great thing, hard work and both have to giving 100% for it to work. Many places on the web give advice on marriage, and no I won't be doing that. Main reason is every marriage is different. What works for mine may not work for yours. Still the basics are all the same and are true for any relationship a person has. Think about the other person and how they feel. It's just that simple. If we all thought of the other person and how they feel the world would be a brighter place.
Bless it be.
Sorry this is posted so late today, I had a long night last night and just got back to this now.
Two web pages to check out on this topic.
I do not support or endorse either one but they have info on this topic.  

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