Friday, May 30, 2014

The first time

When was the last time you did something for the first time? That was a question posed to me a few days ago. When I could not think of that answer I knew it was time to do something for the first time again. But what? I had to think long and hard about that because I have done so much in my lifetime, I could not think of anything. Then came my daughters. They are all good at solving problems and thinking of new things to do. So what did we all come up with? Many, many things that I still might try later.

The first one is sky diving, of course my little adventure came up with this one. My middle daughter has wanted to try this for years. My oldest daughter, way more on the safe side, came up with making a new food. My baby girl though she is the creative one and her idea was to write differently. To write a children's book based on the stories I have told her since she was a girl. What she never knew was those stories were not mine to tell. When she lost sight of her invisible friend she forgot what the other little girl was. Now that my granddaughter has her as a friend my daughter is starting to remember. She is also remembering the stories the other little girl told her.

Even though they are not my stories I am able to with a happy heart start on them. Thanks to doing something new for the first time. I helped my youngest daughter enhance her gift and learn how to talk to her old friend. During her time of talking she even got to meet her grandfather who has been gone for over ten years, a few years before she was born. When all was said and done I got to cry for I still miss my father dearly, but my baby told me to stop crying because pretty girls don't cry. Something my father would say to me whenever he seen me crying. Just his way to help, no matter how bad it sounded.

In the end I guess this week I will be doing two things for the first time because tonight when Castell and Basel release me from their pull I will be looking for Isabell to see what we can do together. (For those of you that don't know yet, Castell and Basel are the two new characters that have me typing away. Isabell is the little ghost girl that has been friends with each of my daughters and now my granddaughter.) I hope to have something in the way of a blurb to post here tomorrow.

A couple places to visit
From my home town.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Your gifts

Tonight was such a lovely night, but I am skipping ahead so let me back up to the beginning. Today we finally got and planted the strawberries I have been dieing for. I was afraid the it was to late in the season but per my expert at the greenhouse I go to, it was the perfect time to plant them. After my gardening was done for the day my husband and I sat on the porch and talked till it was time for him to head into work. I thought that was going to be the best part of my day, turns out I was so wrong. My neighborhood it considered a bad one, but to those of us that live here we know different. Our small area in a larger area is very safe. One where we do sit out at night and watch the stars play. One neighbor has movie night every Saturday in the summer for his family and any of the neighborhood that wants to join. Its great fun, the kids love it. A lot of us mothers and fathers sit out and talk to each other from our porches. Funny if you drive by and see us yelling at each other, even though it is not in a mean way. However once in a while we just walk over and talk. Tonight was one of those nights.
My daughter and granddaughter went over to movie night and the kids across the street did too. So us moms sat out on their porch and talked. We started talking about God and the devil at one point, of course me being me told them about my spirituality. How I believe fully in God and also in Mother Earth. Well they must have felt like it was safe to talk to me because they felt the same. Then we started talking about ghosts and spirits and that started a whole evening of sharing. The best part about it was finding out one of the mothers was had a gift. The gift of sight. That is a hard one to have, at times it bothers me, still it is a gift and needs to be used for the greater good. When I told her about my gifts she was excited, for one she was not alone and two she found someone to talk to about it that did not think she was crazy.
This brings me to my theme this evening. Your Gifts, God put us on the planet for a reason, this reason is not for us to know while we are here. Only once we reach his side will we know his reason. Still here we are, so what makes non-believer think that he would not give gifts to us? Of course I here them all the time, I live with one even. Though he has seen things he refuses to believe, which has my oldest daughter doing the same thing. Still even so I still use my gifts and thank God daily for them because even though it is not main stream or cool, he believed in me enough to grant me them. Does it bother me at times, of course. Nights I would rather sleep then hear the ramblings of those unseen. Days when a nice quite cup of tea would be wondrous turns into seeing the woman that needs to know her way into the light. It is wearing on me at times, though it happens less often than one would think. Still knowing some people think I am crazy or making things up gets old. If they only seen and knew what I did than maybe they would understand. So why don't they?

It is said that we all are born under this veil, as babies and toddlers we see things that adults can't. They can tell if someone is bad, or you find them talking to a walk like they are talking to a friend. So why do some lose this gift and others not? Is it because of our parents or something more? Well to be honest I have no clue, I am sure it is a little of both though. My mother tried her best to keep me tuned in to all that was around me. As her mother had her. By the time I could remember they both taught me to cherish the gifts God gave me and to never back down from them. How ever my older sister did not have it the same. My grandmother told me once that she just did not have the gift. I never understood that until a few months ago.

My nephew has the gift of sight like I do, however since his mother, my older sister and his father both are non-believers they think he is crazy. At twelve years old how they can think that is beyond me but they do. So they put him in a hospital where they sought to cure him. What they got for that trouble was only him getting worse, as they put it. Still I knew he was not crazy, so did my mother. Only unlike my mother, who sat back and did nothing, I decided to do something. I had been told I was not allowed to see my nephew because my sister and I don't get along, mainly because we don't see eye to eye on anything. However they could not stop me from visiting if they could not see me. So I looked into how to transport ones image and thoughts to another. After a few months practice along with a lot of help from some great friends I did just that. I got to talk to my nephew and tell him what he needed to know about our family and they gifts God gave us. Over a months time I visited him seven times each time telling him to believe in himself and not to let other discourage him. A few days after my last visit my mom called me to tell me my nephew had been healed and they were able to bring him home. Now to be honest I wondered if my visits really happened or if I had wanted them to so bad I imagined them happening. To be honest I doubted myself and my abilities on this matter. I wondered if they had just found a "cure" for his type of illness and never told my mother about what I had tried to do. A few months later they came for a visit to see my mother, which I was called and asked if I could come by to see them. Of course I jumped at the chance to see them. While we were visiting my sister said something that startled me. She told us that my nephew has told her that while he was in the hospital that he seen me and I help him get better. She laughed and said that he was funny and that was when they knew he would be better. Of course I did not say anything then either. Once my nephew had the chance to talk to me alone he confirmed that I did indeed visit him and taught him how to control his gifts. He told me that he was still going to use them, only he would not talk about them to anyone again other than me till the time came that he could do so without being told he was crazy. I agreed that was for the best. To this day he does not speak about his gifts other than to me.

So again my question is why do some seem to be able to hold on to their gifts that we all seem to be born with and others not? Does using these gifts more often help you keep them as some suggest or does God have a bigger plan? I guess to me I would like to think God has a bigger plan for me and ones like me, like my neighbor and I talked about, still I guess I won't know until I get to stand by God's side. I won't have to ask him than because I believe he will knew all my questions and have them answered before I can even think them.

So what gifts do you have? Do you know something is going to happen before it does? Do you see people that have long passed? Can you tell when a person is lying without knowing that person? Can you take yourself to a place that your body is not? The list goes on.
Please leave your thoughts below, I'm very interested in your gifts.

Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Here is a few links that might peak your interest.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Good Evening

Tonight I found it hard to write. Not sure if the activity in my house is causing this or if the lack of rain is the cause. Still the show must go on as someone once said. So tonight I think I will just write about my passion.
I have loved writing since I was a little girl. I think I was born with a pen in hand. My mother said that it did not take much for them to see me writing once I grew up. My Grams had me convinced as a child it was my destiny to write. I guess they were right because I found a great pleasure of putting words to paper for others to enjoy. As I have taken on this journey I have tried to pass my love of the written word to my children. Two of which now are writers too. My youngest son and middle daughter are both in the middle of writing their own novels. My new daughter-in-law is also a writer. No big surprise to me that my son would found a woman most like his mother. Only we still have to teach her how to cook. *wink*
The funny thing is I think my daughter is going to be published before I am. She has an editor wanting to look at her novel already. She was so worry about tell me this but she was excited at the same time. I was so happy and proud of her, not what she thought my reaction would be. Not because I don't believe in her but because I have written so much for so long and am still awaiting word from a publisher about my last novel. As I told her, I just started to look seriously into being published while she has been looking into it since she started her work. Of course I will be excited and happy if she is published, even if it is before me. Though being published at the same time would be awesome. I have just put this into the hands of the Powers That Be and let it go. I write, I have a love and passion for it, so if I do get published then so be it but if not I still will write because it is what makes me happy. In the end is that not what we all want, to be happy?
What makes you happy? Think about that for a moment before you answer it. I don't mean what makes you happy this moment, not what makes you think you are happy, but what makes you feel like you found your calling. What makes you feel like you are the person you were meant to be. Don't think about what other people, your mother, your father, your friends, think you should be but what makes you happy with you. This is harder than you think because for some reason we try to live up to everyone else expectations of us and not live to be the person we are meant to be.
For example, the moment I became a mother I have worked outside the home to bring in money to raise my children. Now their father has worked since we have been together as well, a two income family we had to be to give our children a good life. Still I felt incomplete everyday until I was able to sit in quiet to write a few lines of a novel I was working on. I was unhappy with me and it shown through the rest of my life. The moment my husband told me that I could stay at home and that he made enough money to support our family since there were only two children left at home I found I had the time to write that I so wanted. Not once have I thought about how I would love to write or I wish there were more hours in the day so I could write a little longer. Now I have a set time to write and if I go over it is no big deal because I don't have to worry about how I will pay for it the next day because I will be so tired. Now I can just sit and enjoy my writing.
That said, you should have had enough time to really think about what makes you happy, so what is your answer? I would love to hear what your happy you is, please feel free to leave your comments below.
Bless it be
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
One of my writing communities
More sites for your enjoyment

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Past Lives


A large glass of ice coffee, my computer and my muse on my right shoulder, how could this get any better? Well it could be if the rain we've been promised here comes in. Been waiting for two days to get the renewed energy that the rain gives me. Now I'm sure you are asking yourself, what does that have to do with past lives. Well to be honest nothing, I just want to rant for a minute. My muse is a funny little creature like that. One minute we are laughing and the next serious. Here goes the serious.
Past lives have came to light by a new show that is playing where a man hypnotizes someone and talks them through to their past lives. This might seem fake to some but to me it is very real. One reason is because that is not where he stops. He actually researches what the person tells him and then meets with them again to tell them and show them what he found. He records all his setting with them, of course that is for the show but still he plays it back for them while they have a loved one with them. Then he tells and shows them what he found in his research. This was where I found it to be real and not fake. I fell in love with this show and now watch it any chance I get.
Though I believed in past live long before this show it took this show to reconfirm my belief. When I was little and my Grams was still alive she would tell me stories of past lives. One time it would be about one of my sisters past lives. Another time she would tell me about one of hers. That was until the day I was old enough in her eyes to be told about one of my own past lives. Now I have always had a love of Scotland and the heritage so when my Grams told me this story I was fascinated.  So I will tell you as she told me.
"Child you are an old soul. One that has lived many a life. Strong lives with strong convictions. Ones that you have never let anyone sway. It all started with your first life. Oh that life was your glory. You were so beautiful, a sight to be hold really. You were a gypsy, you held the attention of many. You were asked to places that most gypsy at the time were outlawed. Still the people wanted you around. You brought with you gifts, those unlike any before you. When you were in a land those lands would prosper. The women would give birth to strong healthy boys, and for that you were convented. You traveled with your family, never out of the sight of at least two of the males at all time. That was until you went to Scotland. There is where you found your soul mate. He was a rebel and you fell head over heals for him at once. Him and his cousin kidnapped you because you were there at his enemy's request. So your love took you unknowing that you were meant for each. Though it did not take him long to realize that you were meant for each. Soon you hand fasted as they did in that day and age. For two years you were happy even though you lived on the run from his enemies. For you it was a happy time. Only your life was cut short by a blade of another meaning to do him harm. For that your family cursed your love. A curse that has lived to this day. Child I tell you this because when you meet your love in this life time you must break that curse at all cost. For to do so will mean you get to be happy till your dieing day."
I can't tell you that I bought all of this then but over the years I have found that it hits home at times. I still love Scotland and plan to visit the beautiful country one day and I can not get enough of hearing a Scottish accent. Grams told me that I lived many times on the earth but that life was my happiest. She said that was why I was so love with a land that I had never been to nor held any heritage from. She also told me that would be why I would become a writer. I would have to have a way to tell my tales. Funny now when I look back on it, for then I was not thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up, I was thinking about what cartoon would be on and what Grams was going to cook up for breakfast. As for my soul mate, well I did find him and I think together we did break that curse.
Since I told you my story I would love to hear yours. Have you thought about a past life? Have you known you had a past life? If so please share your story. I would love to hear back from you.
Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
A couple of sites about this subject. Happy hunting.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Now this is not going to be what you think, if you haven't figured out by now I never come at you the same way every time. At least I try not to.
We have angels around us all the time, some of us have been lucky to see them in action. If you are one of those than you will know what I am talking about. Angels don't have to be those creatures God has looking over us all the time, though those do some awesome stuff too. The others are right here in earth in human form. Maybe they know they are angels and hide it from the rest of us, maybe they just don't know what they are. Still these people do amazing things daily.
I have seen both in action. First time I seen my youngest daughter's angels was on one of the scariest day of life. She was two weeks old and my niece and I were playing cards in my room where she was sleeping. My niece got up from the bed and checked on my daughter. When she looked up at me she was ashen and stated there was something wrong. The baby looked pale and she did not think she was breathing. I checked myself and found that she was indeed not breathing. I flicked her nose as I was taught from my oldest daughter's nurse when we found out she had apnea. her breathing started again and we rushed to the hospital. After three long days the doctors at the best children's hospital in our state told us that my daughter did indeed have apnea and it was the worst case that they or the hospital in Chicago had seen in twenty years. They even told us that she would not make it six months. So my husband and myself settled in our new home with our new baby and waited for the worst while we prayed for the best. A year later, after so many sleepless nights and blessed days the tests reveled what the doctors had said would not happen. Our baby was well. The doctors that had over seen her health for the past year even wrote us a letter in which he stated he was never so happy to be wrong in his life. You might be asking yourself what does this have to do with angels? Well if you missed it there were three angels in this story, my niece for knowing what to look for, the hospital staff, and of course my baby. Without knowing each made a way for my daughter to make it in this world and giving me the chance to see my two youngest granddaughters.
The time I seen my oldest daughter's angels were a few years later. She was four and a daddy's girl like no other. Never did she want to be apart from him, not even a street would come between her and her daddy if she had her way. On a cold December day, the thirtieth to be exact, we are on our way out. My husband was across the street at my car when she run off from me and darted between two cars. What happen next haunted many people for years. The man behind the wheel of the car had no time to react. Those on their porch could not scream loud enough. Everything happened so quickly, a blink of an eye, as most accidents do. I seen my daughter's coat flying through the air and thought my husband had grabbed her so quickly that her coat flew off but I was wrong it was her on the cold pavement when I looked down. My baby girl had been hit by the car now stopped in front of me. The man behind the wheel was stunned and full of worry. The dent on the hood of his car was large and my baby girl was laying limp on the ground. I had enough training to know I could not pick her up, which was all I wanted to do. Now half of my family lives on the same block as me and my husband and before either of us knew what was going on our family and great neighbors were in action. Calling rescue, bring out blankets, and calling the rest of our family. My mother-in-law took charge of my other children so I could focus on my daughter. When the cops and rescue reached us, in lighting fast time they were at least fifty people pulling for my daughter. Even people that had been driving by were waiting to hear the out come. With no blood around her, our hopes were high. Once at the local hospital one of my close sister-in-law came in. The doctors told us that other than a broken leg they could not find anything else wrong with her. Nothing wrong with her neck or brain. They still wanted to take her to the children's hospital because they had more advanced testing they could do and would see if they had missed anything. We followed them to our state capital where the hospital was and by the time we reached them the staff had all but one test done. When we reached her room the doctors were smiling at each other and talking under their breath. When they greeted us the main doctor looked at me and said, "Her angels were flying around her today. The is nothing else that any of us can find other than her broken leg. And with the pictures we seen of the scene it is amazing. Only a few moments later a nurse came in to tell me I had a phone call. When I picked up the line it was my neighbor asking what we knew so far, she told me that everyone had gathered at her house to wait to hear how she would fair. Even the man who was driving the car and some of his family was there waiting. When I told them the great news you would have thought I told them they had won the lottery. Cheers could be hear for miles. To this day the man who was driving calls my neighbor twice a year to check on my daughter. Now not to leave them out, the officers that responded to the call came down to the children's hospital to check on her as well. The week after we got to bring her home everyone of them came by our house to bring her something and check up on her again. This accidents also brought our neighbor's family and ours closer together. My children call my neighbors mom and dad with my husband and my permission. Now there were earth angels in this story but there was also heaven angels too. For who else could have kept my daughter's body from being totally broken from not only the car but the five foot flying fall?
Of course these are just two stories from a wealth of stories I could tell about angels around me. God sees fit to hold my family tight in his hands and for that I could not be any more blessed. If you took nothing else form this blog tonight please walk away thinking about who and how angels have helped you. Because if we don't thank God for them I fear we might lose them. That would be the saddest day for me.
Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams
A couple of sites that talk about angels. Again I do not support or endorse these, they are just a couple I found interesting.

Wedding Day

Today I am proud to announce that my youngest son and his soul mate have said their vows. Joined forever in marriage. I could not have been more proud then when he surprised me by asking me to stand up with him at his wedding. He gave me no idea that he would be doing that, and as mother of the groom there is not much in the transitional wedding for me to do. Since he married a groger he had a wedding for her way of life instead of mine, which is fine. Still when we reached the church he surprised me by asking me to stand with him, an honor to say the least.
So tonight I thought I would talk about the traditional things at wedding that come from a pagan back ground.
Many know, some may not know, that flowers were carried by the bride on her wedding day to keep away evil spirits. The flowers of today are chosen with the thought of color and love of flowers in mind. Still in the past the flower choice had much more thought put to them. Back when people were more pagan than christian people believed, as I still do that each flower has a purpose in our lives. A few are, roses represent everlasting love, lilies represent virginity and purity, orange blossoms represent marriage and fruitfulness, zinnias represent lasting affection, and ivy represents fidelity.
Wedding rings, they were first worn by pagans as symbols of the man owning his wife. And for her it meant having something of value from her husband. The circle has a magical connotations, the unbroken wholeness. Endless and timeless. While it has transformed for the sake of time moving on, wedding rings once were a pagan symbol.
Even the ceremony itself is pagan, though the words have changed over the years. Many Christians don't know this but it is.
Over all marriage is a great thing, hard work and both have to giving 100% for it to work. Many places on the web give advice on marriage, and no I won't be doing that. Main reason is every marriage is different. What works for mine may not work for yours. Still the basics are all the same and are true for any relationship a person has. Think about the other person and how they feel. It's just that simple. If we all thought of the other person and how they feel the world would be a brighter place.
Bless it be.
Sorry this is posted so late today, I had a long night last night and just got back to this now.
Two web pages to check out on this topic.
I do not support or endorse either one but they have info on this topic.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ghosts in the attic

Okay before everyone gets in to the debate whether ghosts are real, let me just say: it is okay to doubt what you can not see but remember no one has ever seen air but it is still there.

With that being said, yes of course I believe in ghosts. I also believe in God, so where does that land me? Well the short of it is a Spiritualist. For those, like my husband and calls it fake, well there is no changing your mind until you see for yourself. This post is about a few of my experiences. These instances happened to me and at least one other person.
The first time I felt something in my house was when my oldest daughter was four. She was sick one night and so I stayed by her bed through out the night. I had just taken her temperature around two in the morning and gave her more medicine to bring down it down. I was so worried because our family had dealt with so many health issues over the years between her and her little sister. At one point I felt the tears welling in my eyes. That was when I felt it, a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the spot but seen no one. I smelt my Gram's perfume in the air and new at once she was there looking over me and mine. Little did I know she would not be the only visitor to my home over the next few years.

The next time I knew they was someone else in my house was when my daughters and granddaughter, all about the same ages, were having a sleep over. Four little girls at night can be a handful and mine are even more so because of their gifts. However this night there was even more girls in their room then we thought. It started at two in the morning, a tapping on the floor like they were dancing. I yelled for them to stop and go back to sleep. Five minutes later it started again, with laughing this time. I holler again for them to stop and go to sleep, it stopped once again. Five minutes later it started again. This went on for a while, at least a half hour before I decided to go into the room and make them lay down. So once the noise and laughing started again I just walked to their door without a word. Once I reach for the door knob the noises stopped but I still walked in the room to make sure they stayed in bed. To my shock they were all in their beds, sound a sleep. They were not playing asleep for two snore and they were doing so then. Knowing I would get no more sleep that night I walked down stairs and turned on my T.V. on low. My daughter-in-law at the time was sleeping on the couch, she turned over and looked at me. She said. "They woke you up too?" I think I scared her more than I meant to when I told her that they were all a sleep. She sat right up and said she would be getting no sleep that night herself. To this day she is a little scared of my house late at night.

My two oldest sons were both living at home, where my sister was living with me at the time. (Both of us have very long dark hair. Our Indian side shows well in our features.) One day my oldest son, my husband, my sister and myself were sitting in our dining room of our old house. My sister brought up the subject of the Indian ghost that was attached to my dining table. My oldest son looked at us crazy, he said that he had seen her before, but just thought it was either my sister or myself. Only she disappeared when he called out to her. My husband, the non believer of the bunch laughed at us. That was when my youngest son came in and asked what we were talking about. We said ghosts and he looked at us sincerely and asked had we seen the Indian woman that stood by the table? We all could not help but laugh for all of us, other than my husband of course, had seen her. Just so you know, I still have the table.

These are only three of the times that I have witnessed the afterlife around me. There are so many more but I will save those for another time. I have a few links below for you to look at and make your own judgement as to whether you believe or not.

Bless it be.
Sleep well and sweet dreams

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fairy Garden

Hello all, this blog is not one that will tell you how to worship. That is a private thing that one must decided for oneself. How this blog is here to commune and celebrate all the differences in us.
Fairy gardens are a great way to enjoy nature and the beauty of it. Many people think that fairy gardens are for witches and/or pagans. This is simply not true. Fairy gardens are for everyone that loves nature. Flowers bring joy, they also can help you when in need. Depression is one thing that can be helped with a nice garden out your back door, or on a balcony if you do not have a yard. Studies shows people with a garden tend to be less stressed as well. God gave us these gifts of color and smells to help us. Not only that you can use many flowers in healing ways. Rosemary has many heal agents to it, link below is a list of just a few. 
Now I have a garden in the front, side and back yards. My youngest daughter is now taking up my slack on them. She loves planting flowers and food as well. She even has me buying strawberries which I have never tried raising before. We were on the web a few days ago to look up all we could on raising them when we came across this picture above. To my shock she looked at it then at me and asked. 'Mommy when did you take a picture of your garden?' I just laughed for I had never explained fairy gardens to her before. She had thought I was the only one that kept a house for fairies. This made me laugh. Still she was serious and wanted to know more about them and if she to could have one. So I told her yes she could here and even at her house when she moves out once she is grown. This lead to my husband's dismay of hearing how she wanted a house, rocks and his old belt buckle for her garden. He looked at me a smiles. 'Yep she is her mother all over. I thought our older daughters were to much like you and now I have you remade again.' This caused joy to flood me. To have my beliefs in one of my children is a delight to me.
One would ask what I meant by that, so let me explain. Simply my husband and myself decided when the children were little to let them follow their own paths. We did and so it was only fair to let them. Of course we have more door to door religions in our home then I cared for, most trying to convert me as well as my children but in the end many seen why and how I came to be a Spiritualist as I am. I can even say that one man is now following his heart and converted to Spiritualism as well. Still my other children choose a different path, each rooted deep in their beliefs. For that I am proud, still to have my youngest follow my path is awesome. Though I was told when she was but little that she would follow me close. My daughter is a rainbow child, special and bright in all ways.
Now I have to say that having more than one fairy garden in the yard does take a lot more work, but the effects are wonderful. The big shock was to find out that two of my neighbors have them as well. I have to say that the children around here should have a very fairy summer. My mother-in-law that lives four houses down from me is even talking about putting one out for the season.
I ask myself at times is this a new fad for them or will it just catch on?
Bless it be my old and new friends.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
If you to are thinking about or have a fairy garden this link might be for you. They even have kits you can buy.
Link to the history and healing agents of rosemary.